Who we are

Welcome to Therapists’ Umbrella

It is well understood by those in the field that professional development is a never-ending journey. Despite the absolute necessity of mental health professionals, the financial compensation is still lacking.

Older woman wearing dark jacket

What we do

For many, there is a struggle between truly loving their work while also feeling an ongoing financial burden. Mental health professionals pay to work by way of continuing education, liability insurance, supervision, consultation, conferences, and developing a specialization. At Therapists’ Umbrella, we can cover one piece of this.

Therapists’ Umbrella strives to unite supervisors, consultants, and trainees in an unprecedented way. The secure platform allows for communication (video and messaging) to occur between those that provide a supervisory or consultation service and those seeking supervision or consultation. Because the platform cuts away overhead, these services can be provided at a reduced cost. We understand the appeal of chasing the alphabet soup after your name and want to make that a little easier. Please see the images below to explore how we can connect you to the “right” person.

Therapists' Umbrella service guide
Therapists' Umbrella service guide